
Hireclub API is standard JSON API and has following api requests for now

  • Fetches single resume with all relations such as (resume_experiences, resume_skills, resume_educations): GET /api/v1/resumes/:id
  • Updates specified resume : PUT /api/v1/resumes/:id

Only these fields can be updated

  * :bio, :string
  * :email, :string
  * :file_name, :string
  * :file_uid, :string
  * :first_name, :string
  * :is_uploaded, :boolean
  * :last_name, :string
  * :phone, :string
  * :private, :boolean
  * :requires_regeneration, :boolean
  * :slug, :string
  * :tagline, :string
  * :website_url, :string
  * :dribbble_url, :string
  * :facebook_url, :string
  * :linkedin_url, :string
  * :twitter_url, :string
  * :total_annotations_count, :integer
  * :annotations_count, :integer
  * :regenerated_on, :datetime
  * :likes_count, :integer
  * :published_on, :datetime
  * :created_at, :datetime
  * :updated_at, :datetime

Only these fields are required: :location_id, :private, :requires_regeneration, :total_annotations_count, :annotations_count, :likes_count, :user_id. Related fields such as resume_experinces, resume_educations and resume_skills have their own CRUD requests:
